
Python Programming Language

I have a good understanding of the Python programming language and have written some applications of my own. While these applications are basic in nature, they have given me a great foundation into the world of scripting and automation.

Province Abbreviator

Province Abbreviation. This application displays the usefulness of using dictionaries. The app is take user input and loop through the defined dictionary and return a result.

Number Guessing Game

This simple app is a number guessing game, the user will have 10 chances to guess a random number between 1 and 100. This app displays the use of multiple loops, if/else statements and print formatting.

Gateway Checker

This app is very simple but displays the versatility and the usefulness of the python language in the administration environment. The script will ping the user defined default gateway, or any other machines you wish to ping, then write the results to a text file which will open after the script is complete.